All natural home goods,
from our house to yours.
Some Of Our Favorite Products
Lavender Carpet & Bed Freshener
Sprinkle this lavender magic on your mattress. Leave on for 30 minutes, then vacuum. This will soak up all the odors and oils, then vacuum away! Put on your fresh linens and enjoy the calming lavender scent to sleep comfy cozy. Use this on your rugs, carpet, fabric upholstery and automobiles as well.
Lavender Laundry Wash
Our all-natural laundry wash is what we are known for! Great for people and animals with allergies. No residue or film left on your laundry or washing machine. Just 2 little scoops! No need for a separate softener. Your fabrics will be fresh and naturally clean. Your towels will be thicker and more absorbent. Once you try our Lavender Laundry Wash you will not go back to store bought, chemical loaded, laundry detergent!
Lavender Body Butter
This is NOT a lotion, nor a cream! This is butter! You take a small dime size chunk and melt in in your hands and spread it ALL OVER your body! It absorbs into your skin. Great for helping to heal burns, rash, arthritis hot spots, acne and extreme dry skin, while not leaving your skin greasy. Filled with Lavender Essential Oil, Vanilla Oil, Shea Butter, Mango Butter and tons of therapeutic natural ingredients for your skin to feel good & healthy!!
The Benefits of all natural goods.
All natural! NO chemicals! NO toxins! NO dyes!
Having confidence in knowing you are making a positive choice for your family and our planet.
Safely providing physical and mental benefits for both you, your children and your animals.
All of our ingredients meet GRADE A standard with The Environmental Working Group.

Hi, my name is Amy Jo and this is Our Family Lavender Story.
Many years ago, with a busy family schedule, trying to keep up on the laundry was a full time chore. My lifelong allergies and the chemicals that were infused into our home were deteriorating my health, and my family well being. We ALL consume, on a daily basis, so many harmful toxins into our immune system. These poisons trigger side affects that damage our physical and emotional health.
Wanting something safe for my family, my home and my pets, I began with laundry products and soon developed other home cleaning and body care items. Now we share our love of safe and chemical free lavender products with everyone!
We are a family owned business out of Mid-Michigan. All of our products are made in our home, all natural, no toxins, no fumes, no color additives. Homemade with love from our home to yours!
Thank you and enjoy!
Amy Jo